Référent en pédiatrie communautaire
Secteur Projets et développements - DPSP

Diplômes : Doctorat en médecine
MSc in Community paediatrics
Domaine de recherche : Evaluation des interventions en santé publique
Santé et droits de l'enfant
Enseignement : Chargé d'enseignement (UniGE)
Olivier Duperrex is a part-time lecturer at the Institute for Global Health (UniGE) since 1998 and the Référent en pédiatrie communautaire at Unisanté, Lausanne since 2020. He supported the Chief Medical Officer of Canton of Vaud during the COVID-19 pandemic doing strategic analysis.

After training as a paediatrician in Switzerland, he specialised in community paediatrics at the Institute of Child Health in London.

He dedicated over 20 years to defining and delivering health promotion and prevention to the younger strata of population (0 to 25y old). He was the Head of Unité de Promotion de la santé et de prévention en milieu scolaire (School health) and the consultant paediatrician for early childhood prevention with the Centre de reference pour les infirmières petite enfance in the Canton de Vaud.

His research focuses on the evaluation of interventions in the field of school health, child and adolescent health, injury prevention, child rights. He is regularly doing peer reviews for various journals and was a member of the editorial board of the Cochrane injuries group. He is a committee member of the International society for social pediatrics and child health (ISSOP).