Pharmacienne cheffe adjointe, responsable de l'Unité Recherche
Secteur Pharmacie - DDP
- Informations professionnelles
- Biographie
Diplômes : 2003: Diplôme fédéral de pharmacien
2007: FPH pharmacienne spécialiste en pharmacie d’officine
2009: Doctorat en sciences pharmaceutiques
2007: FPH pharmacienne spécialiste en pharmacie d’officine
2009: Doctorat en sciences pharmaceutiques
Titres académiques : Docteure es sciences pharmaceutiques
Domaine de recherche : Optimisation de l'usage des médicaments en vie réelle
Enseignement : CAS en prestations pharmaceutiques ambulatoire (UNIGE)
Evaluation pharmacoéconomique des cercles de qualité médecins-pharmaciens (MUP1-UNIGE)
Responsable de la capsule Endocrinologie (BUSP3-UNIGE)
Evaluation pharmacoéconomique des cercles de qualité médecins-pharmaciens (MUP1-UNIGE)
Responsable de la capsule Endocrinologie (BUSP3-UNIGE)
Anne Niquille is a pharmacist. She graduated from the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. She obtained her postgraduated FPH title of specialist in community pharmacy in 2007 and her PhD thesis in pharmaceutical sciences in 2009. She is currently Deputy Chief Pharmacist, in charge of the Pharmacy research. Her research focuses on collaborative pharmaceutical services provided by community pharmacists and aiming to optimize the efficiency of medications, i.e. medication reviews, quality circles physicians-pharmacists to optimize prescriptions in ambulatory care and pharmaceutical care in nursing homes. Her major current research project is to assess the feasibility and the impact on deprescribing interventions in nursing homes. She is also responsible of monitoring the impact of two cantonal projects based on interdisciplinary quality circles in nursing homes. For these projects, she supervises master and doctoral students.
After teaching for several years at the chair in Community Pharmacy, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Geneva, she stayed as an expert for the examination of master's degree. She regularly intervenes in continuing educating program for pharmacists and physicians. She is a member of the board of appeal for the FPH title.
After having contributed to develop and implement a quality management system for research in community care in the department of ambulatory care and community medicine in Lausanne, she is also now head of the research and cohort support sector at Unisanté.
After teaching for several years at the chair in Community Pharmacy, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Geneva, she stayed as an expert for the examination of master's degree. She regularly intervenes in continuing educating program for pharmacists and physicians. She is a member of the board of appeal for the FPH title.
After having contributed to develop and implement a quality management system for research in community care in the department of ambulatory care and community medicine in Lausanne, she is also now head of the research and cohort support sector at Unisanté.