Médecin-cheffe, responsable du secteur Systèmes et services de santé
- Informations professionnelles
- Biographie
Diplômes : 2005 Doctorat in Sciences (DSc), Health Services Research Dpt, Erasmus University, NIHES, Rotterdam, NL
2003 Master in Public Health (MPH), Health Services Department, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
2001 Swiss Doctorate in medicine (MD), University of Geneva, Switzerland
1996 Diploma of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, London School of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, London, UK
1987-1994 Federal Diploma of medicine, School of medicine, University of Geneva, Switzerland
2003 Master in Public Health (MPH), Health Services Department, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
2001 Swiss Doctorate in medicine (MD), University of Geneva, Switzerland
1996 Diploma of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, London School of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, London, UK
1987-1994 Federal Diploma of medicine, School of medicine, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Titres académiques : 2018 Full Professor, University of Lausanne
2013 Assistant Professor, University of Lausanne and Swiss School of Public Health+
2010 Privat Docent (PD) habilitation, University of Lausanne
2013 Assistant Professor, University of Lausanne and Swiss School of Public Health+
2010 Privat Docent (PD) habilitation, University of Lausanne
Domaine de recherche : Recherche sur les systèmes et services de santé
Soins intégrés et coordonnés
Qualité des soins
Patient-reported experience measures (PREMs)
Evaluation et implémentation d'interventions complexes
Collaboration interprofesionnelle
Synthèse de littérature (revues systématiques, overviews, revues rapides, policy briefs)
Soins intégrés et coordonnés
Qualité des soins
Patient-reported experience measures (PREMs)
Evaluation et implémentation d'interventions complexes
Collaboration interprofesionnelle
Synthèse de littérature (revues systématiques, overviews, revues rapides, policy briefs)
Enseignement : M1-TM:"Introduction à la recherche en santé": Co-responsable et enseignante
M1.7 MSC: Thème "Système de santé et assécurologie": Responsable et enseignante
B1.5 MSC: Thème "La pratique médicale dans un système de santé": Responsable et enseignante
Ecole doctorale: Cours d'introduction à la méthodologie de recherche (2ECTs): Responsable et enseignante
CAS Recherche clinique (UNIL): Directrice et enseignante
CAS Santé publique (UNIL): Enseignante (module "Système de santé)
CAS Qualité des soins (UNIGE-UNIL): Responsable de module ("Enjeux des systèmes de santé et qualité des soins") et enseignante
M1.7 MSC: Thème "Système de santé et assécurologie": Responsable et enseignante
B1.5 MSC: Thème "La pratique médicale dans un système de santé": Responsable et enseignante
Ecole doctorale: Cours d'introduction à la méthodologie de recherche (2ECTs): Responsable et enseignante
CAS Recherche clinique (UNIL): Directrice et enseignante
CAS Santé publique (UNIL): Enseignante (module "Système de santé)
CAS Qualité des soins (UNIGE-UNIL): Responsable de module ("Enjeux des systèmes de santé et qualité des soins") et enseignante
Prof. Isabelle Peytremann-Bridevaux is a Chief Physician, Full Professor and Head of the Health System and Services sector since August 2018.
Her main research area is integrated and coordinated care (i.e. new models of care) for chronic patients and her research topics include, among others, i) the performance, effectiveness, implementation and evaluation of complex interventions such as integrated care initiatives, or health systems ; ii) the development, adaptation and validation of patient reported experiences measures (PREMs); iii) the exploration of patients’ and healthcare stakeholders’ needs and opinions; iv) interprofessional collaboration; v) knowledge translation, including the development of guidelines and conduct of literature synthesis (e.g. overviews, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, policy briefs). She has a long-standing experience in successfully conducting and leading research projects. Additionally, since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, she has been leading several health services research projects relating to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health system, health services and various types of populations.
She collaborates regularly with cantonal and federal institutions, providing her an excellent knowledge of the Swiss healthcare system.
She is a medical doctor (University of Geneva, Switzerland, 1994) board certified in internal medicine (2001) and in prevention-public health (2006), and holds a Master’s degree in Public Health from the University of Washington/USA (Department of Health Services Research; 2003) and a Doctorate in Sciences from Erasmus University Rotterdam/NL (2005). She has authored 70+ peer-reviewed publications, supervises Master and PhD. students from the University of Lausanne, and teaches at pre and postgraduate level.
Isabelle Peytremann-Bridevaux is also member of Cochrane Switzerland and has been actively involved in the National Association for Quality (ANQ) as member of the Patient Satisfaction Quality Committee for several years. Since January 2017, the ESOPE group she has been leading has been designated responsible of the analyses and reports of all Swiss national patient satisfaction surveys (acute somatic, rehabilitation and psychiatric care). In 2017, she has been elected member of the central committee of the Swiss Pulmonary League, and in 2019, member of the Swiss Federal commission for general services and principles.
Her main research area is integrated and coordinated care (i.e. new models of care) for chronic patients and her research topics include, among others, i) the performance, effectiveness, implementation and evaluation of complex interventions such as integrated care initiatives, or health systems ; ii) the development, adaptation and validation of patient reported experiences measures (PREMs); iii) the exploration of patients’ and healthcare stakeholders’ needs and opinions; iv) interprofessional collaboration; v) knowledge translation, including the development of guidelines and conduct of literature synthesis (e.g. overviews, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, policy briefs). She has a long-standing experience in successfully conducting and leading research projects. Additionally, since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, she has been leading several health services research projects relating to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health system, health services and various types of populations.
She collaborates regularly with cantonal and federal institutions, providing her an excellent knowledge of the Swiss healthcare system.
She is a medical doctor (University of Geneva, Switzerland, 1994) board certified in internal medicine (2001) and in prevention-public health (2006), and holds a Master’s degree in Public Health from the University of Washington/USA (Department of Health Services Research; 2003) and a Doctorate in Sciences from Erasmus University Rotterdam/NL (2005). She has authored 70+ peer-reviewed publications, supervises Master and PhD. students from the University of Lausanne, and teaches at pre and postgraduate level.
Isabelle Peytremann-Bridevaux is also member of Cochrane Switzerland and has been actively involved in the National Association for Quality (ANQ) as member of the Patient Satisfaction Quality Committee for several years. Since January 2017, the ESOPE group she has been leading has been designated responsible of the analyses and reports of all Swiss national patient satisfaction surveys (acute somatic, rehabilitation and psychiatric care). In 2017, she has been elected member of the central committee of the Swiss Pulmonary League, and in 2019, member of the Swiss Federal commission for general services and principles.