Joachim Marti
About Joachim Marti
Salle Baker, UnisantéBâtiment Proline, route de la Corniche 10
1010 Lausanne
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Where the money flows? Colonial health investment and hospital outcomes in the D.R.Congo
This paper explores the role of colonial medical missions in causing contemporaneous disparities in hospital outcomes in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Using GIS data and archival records from colonial Belgian Congo, we track the establishment of colonial health settlements and match them with modern hospitals. We document a strong, positive, and persistent effect on infrastructure capacity as well as on resources allocated by the central government for salaries, even after controlling for differences in health workers.
Samuel Lordemus is a postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Health, Policy and Economics, University of Lucerne. Before joining Lucerne, he held a Research Fellow position at the Centre for Health Economics, University of York. He received a PhD in Economics from the University of Sheffield, and a Msc from Paris School of Economics. His research interests are in health and development economics, with a particular focus on the determinants of public healthcare financing in conflict settings and the role of donors.
The Lausanne Center for Health Economics, Behavior, and Policy (LCHE) at the University of Lausanne (UNIL) promotes research, teaching, and policy advice in the fields of health economics, behavior, and policy.
The interdisciplinary center brings together researchers of the Center for Primary Care and Public Health (Unisanté), the Faculty of Biology and Medicine (CHUV-FBM), and the Faculty of Business and Economics (HEC).
About Joachim Marti