Colloque DESS: Making of a Global Health Emergency: Dynamics of Global Health Attention and Neglect in the Ebola Outbreak Response
Stimuler la réflexion, s’ouvrir à de nouvelles perspectives, suivre l’actualité des recherches, des pratiques et des initiatives en santé publique, débattre; autant de fonctions remplies par les colloques du Département épidémiologie et systèmes de santé (DESS). A chaque session, des spécialistes d’horizons divers viennent présenter l’état de leurs recherches, leurs expériences ou leurs projets.
Ces colloques sont ouverts au publics. Ils s’adressent aux professionnel·le·s de la santé et sont notamment recommandés par la Société suisse des spécialistes en prévention et santé publique (SPHD) pour la reconnaissance de la formation continue.
Thème du jour: Making of a Global Health Emergency: Dynamics of Global Health Attention and Neglect in the Ebola Outbreak Response
This seminar provides a critical examination of global health as a field of knowledge and practice through the lens of the 2014-1016 West Ebola outbreak. Drawing together anthropological research undertaken during the outbreak response and policy engagement with the WHO Ebola Vaccine Working Group, I consider the distinct framings of the Ebola outbreak—as a public health problem, humanitarian crisis and finally, public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC)–and the various solutions these problematizations of the epidemic entailed. The tensions and constraints in how Ebola was imagined raises questions about the inherent limitations in global health as a framework for understanding the drivers of human health and in rebalancing inequities. Of particular interest is the consolidation of a new paradigm of emergency global health R&D for which the Ebola outbreak was a catalyst. The talk concludes with some observations on the emerging normative and technical contours of this new model of global health innovation and the possibilities and constraints it presents for how we imagine global health goods.
- Prof Ann H. Kelly, Professor of Anthropology, Department Global Health & Social Medicine at King’s College London
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