- SPYCHER Jacques
- EGGLI Yves
- LE POGAM Marie-Annick
- RODWIN Victor G.
Informative Indicators on Healthcare Equity in Switzerland
Indicateurs informatifs sur l'équité des soins de santé en Suisse
Because health equity monitoring often remains separate from healthcare quality assurance, healthcare decision makers are frequently unaware of the equity impacts of their policies and practices. The Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) aims to fill this gap by developing healthcare equity indicators that shed light on equity-related issues in the healthcare system in Switzerland. In a first step, the FOPH suggests demonstrating whether there is a sense of urgency in this area, by commissioning research that documents healthcare equity issues across Switzerland. An analytical approach to integrating health equity into mainstream healthcare quality assurance has recently been developed and applied to the English National Health Service (Cookson, et al., 2018).
The main objectives of this research are to 1) select a set of relevant indicators that can be calculated from Swiss administrative hospital data and that are potential markers of health inequity; and 2) use these indicators and a set of regional socio-economic variables to implement the approach described in Cookson et al. 2018, focusing on variation at the regional level.