Colloque DESS: Long Term Care in Europe: an economics perspective
Stimuler la réflexion, s’ouvrir à de nouvelles perspectives, suivre l’actualité des recherches, des pratiques et des initiatives en santé publique, débattre; autant de fonctions remplies par les colloques du Département épidémiologie et systèmes de santé (DESS). A chaque session, des spécialistes d’horizons divers viennent présenter l’état de leurs recherches, leurs expériences ou leurs projets.
Ces colloques sont ouverts au publics. Ils s’adressent aux professionnel·le·s de la santé et sont notamment recommandés par la Société suisse des spécialistes en prévention et santé publique (SPHD) pour la reconnaissance de la formation continue.
Thème du jour: Long Term Care in Europe: an economics perspective
Long Term Care represent an increasingly important area of public policy in the context of population ageing, especially with reference to home-based care (‘ageing in place’). While this has prompted new research on the determinants of (inequality in) access to care, and on the effectiveness of publicly provided services, limited attention has been devoted so far on the role played by institutional frameworks, such as legislations on eligibility rules and assessment of needs procedures, in enhancing both access to care and wellbeing for vulnerable people in ageing societies. We present the findings from a series of studies and reviews which document the extent to which legislations on eligibility rules to Long Term Care services differ across countries and regions in Europe. We discuss empirically how do differences in eligibility rules affect the probability and inequalities in access to formal and informal care. Finally, we estimate the effect of receiving public Long Term Care on the wellbeing of older people in Europe.
- Prof Ludovico Carrino, Senior Lecturer of Public Economics, Departement of Economics "Bruno De Finetti" at the University of Trieste, Italy
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